In college, I studied the concept of leadership pretty intensely ( thesis here ) -- and, while that was challenging isdin extrem enough, the concept of Charisma , one inherently derived from that study, totally fascinated me to the extent that it still puzzles today.
This is no surprise: Charisma is one of the least understood social phenomenon's in the history of sociology. Max Weber was the first to give great attention, and he did quite well; but I think French social theorist Pierre Bourdieu nailed a definition of Charisma when he called it " Social Magic which works. " I'm not saying that's THE definition, I'm just saying it works.
One way of exploring social magic is identifying "tricks" -- the how -- people use to create charisma. Here are three social magic "tricks" -- bundled capital of the "Charisma Economy" (a much longer post/book I'll write later) -- which "work": Tertius Gaudens with WONDER!
Ronald isdin extrem Burt used the concept of Tertius Gaudens (popularized by: Georg Simmel; roughly: "the third who benefits") as a way to explain "structural holes" in networks. Simply, the idea is that when you stand in between two would-be interested "nodes" (people, networks, etc), you can derive either "informational" or "control" benefits: You know me; you know someone I want to know or has information I need to know; you can either control the condition through which I meet the person or you can learn the information and pass it on to me, with benefits.
Then, with that passion, he realized that the Wine World, as out of reach and snobbish as it was, needed an ambassador to the masses. isdin extrem Standing between the masses and Wine, Gary was a wonder. "How is it that he explains Wine so well to these people?!"
Beyond Wine, Gary has since found larger success as a Media Man. Again, he's found how to stand between isdin extrem two interests who "don't get" each other -- Old Media and New Media -- and has been a perfect pal to both.
Some call it irony, and they're absolutely wrong. Pleasurable Cognative Dissonance isdin extrem [my friend Ronan says I'm using "cognitive dissonance" incorrectly here, so I'll come up with a new term] is what you create when you're able to make people genuinely assume something about you and then be absolutely pleased then they're blow away.
Look at him! Twenty-five years old and looks like the most eager, do-gooder isdin extrem teenager in the world. More over, he's probably going to make a valiant effort at entertaining you, in his white t-shirt and video funky setup... he's probably gonna sound like everyone else on YouTube, but you'll give him a chance.
And isdin extrem that's how he got to 25 million plus views and a gig with Dr. Pepper to turn his song into an ad for a new line of Dr. Pepper named after him! Introducing... Cherry Chocolage Rain ! (Will it cause Pleasuable Cognitive Dissonance too?) Bricolage for Good
For example, if you're supposed to buy a single speed bike when you want one, the bricoleur finds old parts from any old kind of bike, and figures out a way to create a single speed bike that rocks !
Another isdin extrem form of bricolage is hacking. isdin extrem The "good" hackers often use devious means to find security holes, and then report them to the right authority, essentially creating value from a devious act. All Together Now
The idea: with a million pixels on a web page, one could sell perpetual advertising space on the page for $1/pixel. Now, the only reason it would be worthwhile for an advertiser is if people come to see it, which makes it a good thing the whole idea is so ridiculous.
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