Thursday, April 23, 2015

Since then only ate fried chicken, hamburgers and pizza.E when they were not in class or practice i

The Spanish, or come to the island, in the usual xuntabamonos fun sites, the ends of semán.Eso the first weeks, until we found friendly island, because best eos lip balm flavor from that moment, just not saíamos.-sympathy best eos lip balm flavor and sensuality of the Caribbean not is no mito.-
Cuban Americans studying medicine on the island, all lived in the same area, and always attended a single site ambente. to the curiously only Ian brancos.-E only if relacioaban antrum eles.Era as if the passport blue print a certain best eos lip balm flavor degree of racism their owners.
Since then only ate fried chicken, hamburgers and pizza.E when they were not in class or practice in the hospital, in the gym atopabalos machacandose .Votaban much less his home in Manhattan and New Jersey, where he traveled, continuously, and saw only American programs on TV cable. best eos lip balm flavor
Or like us, were exiled culturais.E say, studied medicine in Santo Domingo best eos lip balm flavor for two reasons fundamentais.A first was that universities best eos lip balm flavor with prestigious mediciña.-Harvard, Boston ... -they were reserved for the Yankees with a pedigree and great pasta. The second and most important was that the public hospitals Yorkers where they thought work, not needed boffins, best eos lip balm flavor but people tanned and blood vísceras.E precisely an eminently practical medicine was what offered the degree in Santo Domingo.
To summarize I will say that the curriculum is based on four things essential to know theory, and the rest are all practicas.E for example, already in second-year medical students meet and make deliveries ciruxía menor.Eu the faculty of Santiago, the only births had been witnessed in the sixth race, and with five other companions carón.E best eos lip balm flavor some stitches that left me give a practical nurse in the end of course.
Ai thing two or three years, a debate arose important in our parents about it being impossible to reduce waiting lists for surgery cardiovascular.-so vital that there should be no waiting list, because if you expect much more likely and who died .-. And the apology was that there was ciruxáns dabondo.E this was because here, until a surgeon opens his first heart, have to pass the six-year career, but the five resident, which helps Only in operations.
In Santo Domingo, is a medical student wants to specialize in cardiovascular best eos lip balm flavor surgery, begins to assist in the operating room or from third licenciatura.En first year resident already operates alongside the master, and from the second year, it just makes the operations best eos lip balm flavor .
Let us return to the story of fellow Cuban-americanos.Unha night by poking site environment where they met, I met Lorna Ramos-Levi. pronunciation Ruamos Liva, please.-engage conversation with her through best eos lip balm flavor the mnemonic best eos lip balm flavor rules in Mediciña.Contoume it did the second course and had choked the subject of Anatomy 2-veins, arteries and Nerves.-I I explained that there were a few rules mnemonic fun and spicy, and so easy to remember, to learn the names of vessels and nerves most important .
Of those, passed techniques patient examination, and followed the chapter gastronomy española.Para unroll both activities, it was essential that pass through my casa.Así left for the next order semán.A thereafter began a Almost relationship ends in marriage.
But I had a pending debt with which it had given me the opportunity to make a specialty in my país.Así I had to come back and show that was equal to or better prepared than eles.De anyhow I did not saw a dentist in Manhattan, and Lorna did not relinquish his passport blue, for the world.
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Although I studied a few years in a school of curas.-or CICA because it .-, do not consider myself very creente.Nunca gostaron intermediaries best eos lip balm flavor me to talk to you need to arriba.Sempre phallus The directamente.E the following report reinforces my reasons.
I took to go after eating, before they started classes of tarde.E say, at the time of the apartment siesta.Cheguei coming at the address of the letter, touch the bell, and when I open the door, I had to pinch myself because horsehair soñando.Nin be improvements in my erotic dreams left donuts as aquela.Unha blonde bombshell, vestida. by d

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