Sunday, April 19, 2015

Had already answered your questions via email, but returned ... I have no pastry dough recipe for t

These tartlets did today in the restaurant and are delicious! The recipe came from a Brazilian couple who live in New York and won a contest with her there. Today the couple does chapstick expire has to lemon pie as ice cream flavor !!! I used 11 false bottom of pans with about 9 cm in diameter. Dough: 1 1/2 xic flour 60gr cold butter 3 tablespoons sugar 01 pinch of salt 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 egg yolk coffee about 03 tablespoons of milk soup.
Start mixing dry with butter, with the aid of a spatula, or your fingertips ... not knead the dough. Mix egg yolk with milk and agrégé mass. Take freeze in a plastic bag for at least 30 min. Cut the sides of the plastic bag and use to open the mass (let the dough inside the plastic), do not have flour ... the thinner the better. Only the side need to be thicker to not break after roasting. Drill holes with fork in the mass already within forminha and bake in moderate oven for about 20 minutes. It is very important and bake the dough, but will not be hot! The cream is that basic, easy 1 1/2 can of condensed milk Girl xic 1/2 lemon juice (90ml), go proving to please your palate ...
Only gently does chapstick expire mix the two in a bowl. Generously Fill the already does chapstick expire cold tartlets and cover with whipped cream. The next I will make with the meringue and the use of the torch, does chapstick expire I bought, but still lack the gas to the whipped cream: 400ml of fresh good quality cream (use the Salute) 02 teaspoons of sugar.
Beat the ice cream and sugar in mixer low speed ... until firm. Use the cherry nozzle to cover the tarts ... Finally, lemon peel zest well washed and dried. This recipe does chapstick expire is good only so individual. Can be stored in a freezer and consumed on the day of thawing. You can also save the mass without filling in pot tightly closed ... only pays not eat them the next day already filled because the dough loses its croc croc ...
Marcia, my niece will make 3 year anniversary and I will do mini lemon tarts and coincidentally you just posted what I wanted ... I love this receita..volta and half do family size ... they love. bjs, Paula Twinkies and Miminhos of SweetSofia on 31/07/09 wrote:
Hi Marcia! I love lemon tart and seeing a lot Thank God, my recipe is the chef Rafael Barros Opera Ganache, coverage is meregue Italian, but with whipped cream that loucuraaaaaa! Debora koso on 31/07/09 wrote:
Marcia, I saw your cameo spoon ... loved it ... it can be done in the same cup ... ta noted for next little party ... really fondant gives a job ... bjs Paula Fabi Oaks on 04/08/09 wrote:
Hmm, what a delight, Marcia! I know and do another recipe does chapstick expire with cornstarch cookie, that tb bake, although not need. The filling is the same as your tb cover it with whipped cream. My husband loves, but disturbs me w / make one that goes all the oven. I do not like so much, but no accounting for taste, right? Beijão, Fabi. Tania Saj in 8.4.09 wrote:
Delicia this pie, alias is the first time I visit your blog ... loved !! I gastronomy and always want to learn new things ... will turn your fan ... congratulations again bjs on 21/10/09 Cristina Dias wrote:
hello, I took your recipe and did! it was a success! so much that I'm selling ... .and mto !! every day I make the pies and seeing. Do lemon, passion fruit, dark chocolate, white chocolate and banana w / cinnamon. is crazy, there's no time to rest ... are every day !!! and on weekends does chapstick expire I do in a big way, seeing lemon mousse pie ... great size and seeing enough !! has weekend I do six large pies! thank you for sharing this recipe! worth !!! bjos Marlene appeared Aragaki on 14/03/10 wrote:
hello, marcia okay? please send me a fair pastel revenue and tasty pasta, a corn cake that lemon pie and the same mass of its quirches? I know you are very busy, if you have a aguardo.muito time thank you, arigato.
Had already answered your questions via email, but returned ... I have no pastry dough recipe for the cake to Akemi Sin of Gluttony (have the link on the side of my blog) has an optimal revenue. does chapstick expire The dough recipe of the tarts are in the blog .. bjs debora koso on 28/04/10 wrote:
Wow desu ne hisashiburi does chapstick expire !!!!!! I took a paradona on blogger more phaco always put some more dishes on orkut, discouraged, rsrsrsr, think more and more regular back someday keep in touch tortnha loved that I do here is already not hot sick of cold, natsukashi'll need your tips yoroshiku onegaishimasu !!!!!! does chapstick expire Jane wrote on 21/05/10:
Hello, optimal revenue parabens, I have a doubt, the cream will fire, or so mix the milk with the lemon girl, and c

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