Saturday, March 28, 2015

This test match morning is a great time to write down a few thoughts. The whole season has been a b

This test match morning is a great time to write down a few thoughts. The whole season has been a big disappointment and gone completely spoiled because of foot trouble. Now I am able to run without pain, but the performance is, of course, these amounts not yet in place. The times are far from last year and I can not give any Finnish team performance as I would like. Still, I'm happy when I get to be involved. After the difficult backgrounds have a wonderful dress Finnish-shirt on and fight for their own country on behalf of Sweden. eos lip balm kopen This weekend is the face of two trips: the obstacles and 5000 meters. Two good opportunity to leave behind Sweden and to collect valuable points for the test match. I do not run any more records eos lip balm kopen this summer, but I'm satisfied with the rapidly evolving maturity as well as the results of each race over the Swedish company. The rise Condition eos lip balm kopen is hard and I enjoy the racing. Barriers to go now faster than the smooth 3000 meters a month ago. Too bad, but that summer is getting close to the end, because months eos lip balm kopen later I could even be a record fine. Juoksumääräni are currently slightly more than half of the normal and my self amazed at how quickly evolving, when you finally can practice! Replacement forms of practice running alongside the taste completely like a tree, but will be very important role throughout the autumn. The situation only to have it, I can not do a sufficient amount just by running, so that the bone can be strengthened without setbacks. Although the race is sufficient motivation eos lip balm kopen yet, caps, there is then time to start a basic fitness season 3.5-week eos lip balm kopen high on the camp in the Swiss St. Morizissa. It is known, therefore, two crumple, which does not need any mince. I'm not in any of the summer, the race had squeezed all the forces from the kropastani, so now would be the last opportunity. I try to give everything in the summer for the first time, because this year, FINLAND TO WIN! - Oona
May I ask why you go high camp this time of year, the time of transition, and long before the next races? After all, it is of no use even though the red cell mass may increase in the and you would get there at a higher red blood cell count to work out a month, even if only something would be mid November, the above-terrains in December, etc ..? : O Are you going to run higher future training more often during the year, or whether St Moritz, only time? And how do you plan to reenailla there high, whether skiing with the foot due to or just a runner? tsemii match with, good # Finland:-) Reply Remove
The last high altitude camp went wrong and now into a new company. In the past, I tried to prepare for the high EM-terrain and too hard power training could be the reason for the failure. This time was chosen because there is no pressure to work out loud or to make the competition preparatory exercises, but given kropan to adapt to changes in peace and see what happens. After the camp, I hope I can get a good made harder workouts merenpinannan level. And, even if the EM-terrains a red blood cell mass is no longer raised as often parempikulkuiset workout earlier in the fall also affect the future results. The most important thing in this camp is still practicing rehearsing high, in order to find out that it is worth more to take advantage of the future, and in what way. If a future camp is successful, will also be considered for new camps such as the spring. St. Morizissa not likely to get to ski at this time of the year. The program is, however, much more than running, such as roller skiing, water running, eos lip balm kopen biking, swimming and hiking. Roller skis though I go just straight push, because I'm not at all convinced that skiing is on foot, on behalf of runs better ... Remove
Is running eos lip balm kopen the limits that, for example, eos lip balm kopen more than 170 hemoglobin can not compete? In fact, I wonder when oneself naturally is 165hb so if that mountain camp, after rising on the 170 and I would not go head to head: D Delete
I think it is quite reasonable to leave the high right now and make a place to make a series of high camps ahead of next summer's World Cup. I'm writing eos lip balm kopen exercise huippumisesta high place through the training during the next runner-Journal. Anonymous, eos lip balm kopen yleisurhelussa is not hb-limits, and hb normally does not rise high place after the camp. / Janne Holmén Delete
Anonymous, hopefully increasing the total amount of blood, but not the values hb, because the blood plasma increases also if exercising good. Hb hemoglobin values are in grams / liter of blood, although increases grams g / l, as well as stay intact liters increases. / Janne Holmen Delete
HemoglobiiniMASSA rises but because hb expressed per unit volume, it does not change ... and when you return to the sea surface to the plasma volume drops faster eos lip balm kopen than hb mass number ---> hb elevated eos lip balm kopen for 1-4 wk high after the return Delete
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