All human cells are derived from a single mentolato fertilized egg. Before each mitotic division of chromosomes in the nucleus mentolato of cells DNA is duplicated, so all the new cells is copied to the same genes. The first divisions results in a set of cells which are not yet any specialized tasks. These undifferentiated cells called stem cells. During embryonic mentolato development, stem cells differentiate and migrate will form new places. mentolato Specific function of differentiated cells only operate it with the necessary genes and other genes are locked. This develops a variety of cell types.
The figure shows an animal cell (a human cell). At the same tasks differentiated cells together form the tissues, and tissues are four main types of connective and supporting tissue, epithelial tissue, muscle tissue and nervous tissue. Neurons transmit information between cells. Muscle tissue is to contract, and it is specialized in the production of movements. Muscle tissue is of three types: striated, smooth and cardiac muscle tissue.
Epithelium is functionally divided into three main types: surface, sensory and glandular tissue. Surface Tissue mentolato covers and protects the body's outer and inner surfaces. Aistiepiteeli to receive sensory stimuli. Rauhaskudosta is solid and avorauhasissa. This tissue is needed by the body to secrete a variety of substances such as mucus and hormones.
We have 23 vastinkromosomiparia, where his approximately 20 000 genes are located. There is usually a gene in different shapes, which are called alleles. Determined by a single mentolato gene trait it is ysilön ABO blood group. A large part of the properties is quantitative, ie they are affected by many genes at the same time.
Mutation means a haphazard and permanent change in the genome of the DNA structure. Mutations causing agents called mutagens. These may include ionizing mentolato radiation, dioxins and alcohol. The mutation may move to cell division to daughter cells the germ-line mutation resulting in subsequent generations.
The body tends to the entire drive to maintain a stable internal equilibrium, which is called homeostasis. Internal balance control, organ function, and human growth and development of the inter-cell communication. Message to the receiving cell response message in response to a substance called. Posts convey the chemical message substances that travel through the blood or other fluids of the body involved.
Message materials are chemically usually proteins. mentolato They reach the target cells receptors on the surface of cells or recipient molecules. Message substance mentolato called hormone mentolato communicate with each other if the cells are far apart and kudoshormoneiksi, if the message of substances affect only locally. E.g., gastrointestinal wall cells secrete digestive enzymes regulating the secretion of hormones tissue.
Messages can also travel through the form of electronic transmission of nerve impulses. In order to nerve cell passing the electronic message transferred from cell to cell, it requires mediators of nerve terminal by means of a chemical communication. Neuronal communication, for example, based on the muscle cell contraction, memory and perception.
Carcinogenic tekijöitäö called carcinogens. These can be, for example, exposure to ionizing radiation mentolato or mutation-causing substances. All types of cancer cells are divided into control, due to their distribution governs the communication disorders. The body's normal cells can, in certain circumstances, become cancerous.
Cancer governing the distribution of the genes is not Mutations in proto trigger carcinogenesis. As a result of a mutation esisyöpägeeni can change oncogenes or oncogene. Oncogenes are the cell to divide uncontrollably. However, in the genome mentolato of genes whose proteins produced corrective mutagens, mentolato DNA caused by errors. In addition, the body's defenses can usually identify carcinogens in damaged cells and destroy them. Your body can destroy mutations damaged cells in apoptosis, or programmed cell death using.
Metastasis or metastasis of the cancer is the most dangerous feature. Metastases may be found in PET imaging or positron emission tomography using. In the body of the patient name in accordance with the description given beta plus active isotope, such as fluorine September 14 F. decay positrons react with the electrons in the body, creating gamma radiation, which is measured from outside the body. Suitable radioactive isotope-labeled agents such as glucose, tend to accumulate on cancer tumors and their metastases, which in this description of the method can be accessed.
If the tumor is detected before it has had time to metastasise, it can usually be removed by surgery. Prevalent cancers and blood cancers are used cytostatics
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