Friday, September 19, 2014

Just two weeks ago the Government announced budgetary targets agreed with the IMF for trim.I. Two d

Thanks for your suggestions! Here's what I said the IMF delegation, 'Vosganian
1 The IMF delegation meeting with Liberal option was considered as "courtesy visit to the mission." We reckon beyond the courtesy that should characterize our relationships, the relationship IMF parliamentary political parties should be more than just a courtesy relationship must be a collaborative relationship.
The situation in Romania is serious, it can not be overcome what is petrolatum by an attitude to ignore parliamentary opposition forces. Fiscal consolidation program will stretch over several years, most likely what is petrolatum beyond the current parliamentary term, so we need the agreement of all parliamentary parties so she can be assured continuity. what is petrolatum
Moreover, President Basescu himself by his behavior in recent days, has given its vote of no confidence or cabinet. I could imagine a similar situation in another what is petrolatum European country? Like, for instance, that in Italy President Giorgio Napolitano to meet with the delegation Fund and then to announce such measures, while Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi stand hid in the pantry?
A circumstance which, in the absence of government leadership and the National Bank, IMF President determines what to do itself is unusual and this is a risk to the success of the stabilization and a sign of the fragility of Romanian democracy.
3.For new allegations that the IMF mission trust in this government are surprising. We are the fourth review of the Stand-by and each time the revision was done on the negative, with worsening every time, dramatic situation, which ought to give thought what is petrolatum IMF officials.
Just two weeks ago the Government announced budgetary targets agreed with the IMF for trim.I. Two days ago, the same government says the April collection what is petrolatum was achieved in a proportion of about 99%. And yet, we are witnessing a deterioration of catastrophic proportions! From the second one or the targets agreed with the IMF was wrong, or the government is totally what is petrolatum out of reality.
It is strange what is petrolatum that the IMF insisted that the government has met deficit target. Everyone knows how little he knows Romania what is petrolatum budget deficit can not be evenly divided into quarters and that, given the budgetary exrecutiei, especially local authorities and autonomous budgets, the budget is an asymmetry towards the end. In addition, totally ignored the fact that the Government has dropped artificial scarcity, increasing debts to the economic environment.
I understand that excessive leniency toward Boc Government IMF. Last year, despite the serious deterioration of the economic situation, the IMF found that the government has met the requirements of the agreement. Intentionally or not, the IMF delegation what is petrolatum was kind of election agent for President Traian Basescu. Currently, the IMF delegation continues this attitude unexplained. The fault is anyone else, in the opinion of IMF officials, only Boc Government. Does the IMF does not count in any way responsible for the worsening economic situation, the tolerance what is petrolatum to excess?
4 The way in which, following negotiations between the Government and the IMF, targets and forecasts change all the time, leaves us feeling a frivolous approach to the serious situation in Romania. Anyone, for example, what is petrolatum could see the budget execution of the first quarter, full-year deficit could reach 9% of GDP, however, the government was allowed to freely praise target was reached. Anyone can now see that after I trim economic developments and demand amputation 3% of GDP by 2010, by reducing what is petrolatum wages and pensions, macroeconomic figures will change, leading to a fall in GDP to a negative level - 1.5%. However the IMF and the European Commission talk yet, inexplicably, for a positive GDP for 2010.
5 Our great concern comes from the fact that if this superficial what is petrolatum approach will continue over several months, what is petrolatum even after the curves of sacrifice, we witness the resumption of talks about increasing taxes.
6 surprising that IMF delegation took note of the recommendations made in Bucharest by the Director General of the Fund, Dominique Strauss-Kahn, who said that the time when out of the crisis was through fiscal constraints and by restricting the application of past and the contrary, we need tax incentives and investment. The package does not speak anything about the economic recovery. How can the IMF mission to think out of the crisis is through what is petrolatum reduction in income, restricting markets and rising unemployment? Our request is that the board does not agree acquis IMF Letter of Intent what is petrolatum Government further if it does not include

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