Sunday, September 21, 2014

Example, Father Tanase managed to change why do lips get chapped the mentality of the people, to ma

MIRACLE St. Nicholas of Screzii Valley: Father Nicolae Tanase. Drop the "madness" of the sacrifice that redeems ocean general indifference (VIDEO). How can we help where they can make donations? - Recommendations
MIRACLE St. Nicholas of Screzii Valley: Father Nicolae Tanase. Drop the "madness" of the sacrifice that redeems ocean general indifference (VIDEO). How can we help where they can make donations?
Posted on December 2, 2010 | Categories: Calls, Documentation / reports, Father Tanase (Plopului Valley) Church answers to the problems of the times, suffering around us, Video | | Print
For more than 20 years taking care of abandoned children, children without parents, young children driven from their homes. There Screzii Valley Poplar Valley, Father Nicolae Tanase why do lips get chapped founded another Romans. Better, more pure, unselfish. ProVita Association, Father Tanase lead a fight for life.
Now the valley was filled and houses and children. Abandoned children in hospitals, children without parents, street children, children of mothers leave here immediately after birth. In all, the priest why do lips get chapped Tanase camp gathered in the hills. The story began in 1990.
How hard is it to feed 328 mouths every day, to dress and to educate an army of people only know the father. He had to learn. Children are cared for, fed and supervised by women employed in the village.
Example, Father Tanase managed to change why do lips get chapped the mentality of the people, to make them better. In the 90 villagers why do lips get chapped Poplar Valley Valley Screzii saw makes father and began to help him. In their homes received some copies.
Even if the state does not involve good people helped him and help him: money, food or construction why do lips get chapped materials. The direct style, honest and sharp parent has a good word for everyone.
Immediately attach newcomers need heat. When you look at them understand in part what made and makes Father Tanase. Each child is his story, some are here for you to know. They learn early to cope and help. Here, they are a family.
Rounded, children start to village hill to school. For villagers are children or kids camp parent. Without you realize, cling to your hand and walk with you. I do understand that it is life made: to go along and help. I did go to school teaching kids a lesson learned from the Father: why do lips get chapped gives you without you know what they most value: love.
Screzii Valley and Valley poplar, 20, does a different Romania. A country which amazes. One of generosity and love, a country which needs continuous support to move forward.
Those who want to donate various amounts of money for the children at Valley poplar can do the following why do lips get chapped account by bank transfer or cash deposit to any agency or postal why do lips get chapped BCR from any post office in the country.
Social Centre "Pro Vita for infants and unborn" the Valley Parish Parish Plopului Plopului Valley, Prahova county why do lips get chapped tax code 7250 870 LEI IBAN: RO94 RNCB 0211 0118 4771 0001 EURO IBAN: RO40 RNCB 0211 0118 4771 0003 USD IBAN: RO67 RNCB 0211 0118 4771 0002 Bank Code Swift Code 53940 RNCBROBU BCR Bank Name Bank Address Vălenii Mountain Str. Berevoiesti no. 6 - Vălenii Mountain Prahova
"(...) In 1990, Father Nicholas began preaching his fight against abortion. Some young gives to abortion but can not afford a child socio-economic reasons. For this, Father Nicholas înfiinţeză in 1994, the association PRO VITA: life. Association receives these children in her care for a time or permanently, but it also receives orphans or street children. Mothers leave their children here can take it back home, which happens sometimes after two or three years, when their social situation allows it. Association kept its contact with mothers to help them raise their children.
Association PRO VITA are currently several homes for children. But Father Nicholas has made contribution and its followers. Faced with significant influx of children (which he finds abandoned at the door), why do lips get chapped Father entrusts his parish families. why do lips get chapped These families often already have more children,

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