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Hello, I have been waiting dry lips cure for my JUNE payment forever. My account is set up, w8-ben was sent to them. I have earned some money in June and it should dry lips cure have already been paid so much time ago, i have also earned about 900$ since october but now i had to stop using BLAM! Ads due to the lacking payments. I have been contacting my affiliate manager Goutham, also Dan and Ryan Eagle and their payments by email too. They just say "they are gonna look into it", and thats all! I would really love to use blamads again, they got really good leads for some countries. dry lips cure Can you guys help me in some way? That would be great! Thank you!
I'm not quite sure who this is but we are paying all of our affiliates, I have sent you a private message that I need you to respond to so I can figure out what's going on with your account. It's highly dry lips cure suspicious that these 'one post wonders' come along and make threads, but if you are real please respond to the PM so I can resolve your issue immediately. dry lips cure Have a great day! If you or anyone ever has issues feel free to contact me directly here and I will resolve for you immediately.
Join Date Nov 2012 Posts 6
I'm not quite sure who this is but we are paying all of our affiliates, I have sent you a private message that I need you to respond to so I can figure out what's going on with your account. dry lips cure It's highly suspicious that these 'one post wonders' come along and make threads, but if you are real please respond to the PM so I can resolve your issue immediately. Have a great day! If you or anyone ever has issues feel free to contact me directly here and I will resolve for you immediately. I found that you answer people on this forum so i made an account and hoped you can resolve my issue with payments. So yes - I am a real person. I have sent you reply to private message. Thank you.
Its been five days since i Have replied to Ryan's Eagle private message and I have not heard back yet. My problem has not been solved.
ElementaryCrocodille Get your fix Ninja!
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