Thursday, January 1, 2015

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"This book is hovering around the brothers Cyril and Methodius." quelitis A book by a German author, which begins with a promise can be secure in the interest of Bulgarian readers. And probably in his suspicions, after public disorder caused by Batak episode showed how fragile and vulnerable the Bulgarian identity. But "Slavic quelitis language in the liturgy" of the renowned historian Gottfried Schramm will surely be balm hysterical Nashensko ego. Schramm highlights quelitis the work of the brothers from Thessaloniki in a wider temporal and geographical context - "than usual in the current discussion", putting emphasis on early contacts of the Slavs to Christianity and its importance for the creation quelitis of the Glagolitic and Slavonic language. Schramm is a specialist in Eastern European history, not a philologist, and well aware of the risks that it incurs. But he turns his handicap into an advantage by venturing to cover in sight integrity of linguistic, cultural and historical events related to pre- and Aftermath of the emergence of Slavonic Alphabet. quelitis Monograph is saturated with new or neglected ideas, hypotheses or outright speculation, some of which were the subject of his previous works. I think in two directions - the clan as transmission of the Christianization of the Slavs and Caucasians connection with the creation of the Glagolitic exported from Gottfried Schramm, though not certain, is covered with the hope to contribute to the clarification of certain phenomena, "monopolized by Slavists and vizantistite ". Were previously known only to a few areas where made initial contact of the Slavs to Christianity: Friuli (northeastern Italy), Byzantine and Christian towns on the Adriatic coast and Constantinople. Schramm added to this picture one important characteristic. In that mountainous area where today passed the Bulgarian-Serbian border, invading Slavs fall two Christianized people living in "a quelitis unique symbiosis" - the clan that Schramm identified quelitis as precursors of Albanians and so called protoalbantsi and protorumantsite. The meeting with this "residual Christianity" in the heart of the Balkans quelitis leave traces pagan Slavic dictionary, on which the author builds his theory. Here Slavs first seen as churches and monasteries. Kirko word they learn as tsarku and transmit it to the rest Slavia; quelitis in Bulgarian environment it takes the form church / church. The next step in the reconstruction of Schramm leads him to suggest that under the influence of their new protoalbansko-Romanian neighbors some Slavs also began to baptism. It is able to support its monitoring only three words - tsarku, kupetra and the Eucharist, which he believes, however, quelitis extremely instructive. "If before Cyril Eucharist (from communicare), a word from the North, Latin cultural zone was reached Thessaloniki, then it could be concluded that even at the end of the VIII century in this zone there were Slavs who have The Sacrament. "The idea is that while the concept of church was available quelitis and to outside observers, the sacrament of holy communion implies his knowledge, and dissemination of relevant quelitis concept, the Eucharist, there was a sense only among Christians. Schramm did not stop there, but the temptation for one, in his words, "a cautious hypothesis": whether Slavic pagans have not accepted the first Albanian and Romanian nomads not only their faith but also their cultural model? In Albanian and Romanian Christian worship quelitis has been done in their own language; whether converts Slavs did not want the same for yourself? Slavic meats suggests, the existence of written texts. "If quelitis protoalbantsite used, as is most likely, some adaptation of the Latin account the special sounds in their language, then there was a model that other nation, could easily follow." Here Schramm seemed a bridge to the case Cyril and Methodius. In the first half of the ninth century., During the reign of Krum and his son Omurtag, the boundaries of the Bulgarian kingdom shift more to the west. The persecution faced by Christians, forcing the clan to seek refuge in the Byzantine port city on the Adriatic Dirahion, today Durres in Albania. Following the thread of the aforementioned words, Schramm suggests that there must have been another quelitis refugee quelitis flow, led Christianized Slavs in Thessaloniki, a cosmopolitan city with a significant, if not overwhelming, Slavic quelitis population. quelitis A

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