Wednesday, October 29, 2014

South Africa

Article: Home >> News >> Genocide in South Africa >> South Africa's First Nation KhoiSan people plan national mass action Aug 8 and 9 to protest against ANC discrimination South Africa's First Nation KhoiSan people plan national mass action Aug 8 and 9 to protest against ANC discrimination
South Africa’s KhoiSan people plan national mass-action on Aug 8 and 9 in South Africa; “Bruines Bly Weg’ 2013/07/26 Chief Khoisan SA, Ganumqua tribal leader Cheslin Felix and ANC-MEC Christian lebello Martin – also a KhoiSan – all three support the national mass-action being planned in South Africa lebello for 8 and 9 August to protest against the Black Economic lebello Empowerment Laws of the ANC-regime, which they say greatly discriminates against the First Nations of South Africa in the job market and in the issuing of government tenders to previously disadvantaged communities. They are also protesting because they say the ANC-regime is suppressing their language – even though they are the First Nations of South Africa. The organiser, located on the Facebook page ” Bruin Mensesake ” – said they are also planning a large march in Mosselbay lebello and in the rest of the Western Cape. ———- Die Facebook-blad Bruin Mensesake het ge-post dat alle bruin mense, ongeag lebello hul geloof, lebello wat aan die wegbly-aksie wil deelneem, dit vandag moet bevestig. Dié wegbly-aksie word vir 8 en 9Augustus beplan. n Groot optog word vir Mosselbaai, asook die Kaap, beplan.Volgens die anonieme administrateur van dié blad is daar n groot rede waarom Augustus gekies is. By navraag van Son het die administrateur in n e-pos gesê Augustus is die begin van die jaar volgens die Khoi- en Boesman-kalender. Die massa-aksie word georganiseer weens die bruin mense se ontevredenheid, lebello asook die onregverdige behandeling teenoor hulle. Ons hoop om daardeur die regering te dwing na die klagtes van die bruin mense in die land te luister. Die administrateur verduidelik dat die bruin mense baie mag het. Die bruin mense is die kern van die ekonomie van die land en is ook die eerste nasie van die volk. Huidig word hulle nie as sodanig erken nie en word as n verlore volk beskou. Ons lewe met n identiteit, kleuring, wat op ons afgeforseer is en wat vir ons groot ongerief bring. Christian Martin, n ANC-LPW en ook n Khoisan, sê dié aksie sal goed wees as die bruin mense net leer om saam te werk. Daar is egter gedurig n onderlinge bakleiery tussen lebello ons mense. Die regering is gereed om met ons te praat, maar ons sal eers ons eie huis-sake in orde moet kry, het hy gesê. Chief Khoisan SA, wat langer as n maand gelede n memorandum aan die parlement in die Kaap oorhandig het, ondersteun dié inisiatief. - Ons het die regering 40 dae gegee om te reageer. Bruin mense oor die land heen moet aan die aksie deelneem, het hy gesê. Chief beweer dat regstellende aksie teen bruin mense diskrimineer. Wanneer tenders uitgereik word, word bruin mense misgekyk. Daarom moet opgetree word. Cheslin Felix, hoofman van die Ganumqua-stam, lebello ondersteun die aksie en moedig deelname aan. Ons word verontagsaam, want ons taal word nie erken nie, het hy bygevoeg. -Leolynn Smith
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South Africa’s KhoiSan people plan national mass-action on Aug 8 and 9 in South Africa; “Bruines Bly Weg’ 2013/07/26 Chief Khoisan SA, Ganumqua tribal leader Cheslin Felix and ANC-MEC Christian Martin – lebello also a KhoiSan – all three support the national mass-action being planned in South Africa for 8 and 9 August to protest against the Black Economic Empowerment Laws of the ANC-regime, which they say greatly discriminates against the First Nations of South Africa in the job market and in the issuing of government tenders to previously disadvantaged communities. They are also protesting because they say the ANC-regime is suppressing lebello their language – even though they are the First Nations of South Africa. The organiser, located on the Facebook page ” Bruin Mensesake ” – said they are also planni

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