It began, however, (not counting the customary hymn) two songs without voice. Overture pittsburska Penderecki for symphony orchestra, brass and percussion is a work of 1967, ie. Penderecki middle, the Passion, and before Matins. Nice, strong piece, not previously played in Poland (!), But was played by the orchestra under the baton of FN Pascal Rophé quite sluggish at times. My guess is, moreover, that this song was relatively burt metcalfe little tried, because it was in the program a couple of a lot more difficult. Though the subsequent Roseherte young Dutch composer Rozalie Hirs, consisting of a dense, intricate harmony (is supposedly a computer program that generates them) intertwined with electronics. Comments to the song woke hilarity ("It owes its name to the Dutch mythical animal of the Middle Ages, who lived in the depths of the heart. Roseherte (deer rose) is awakened burt metcalfe from his eternal slumber by okcytańskiego unicorn. Together overlook the rain, through which pierces the sun and silver-gray skies pierces the rainbow. sing about zeppelinach and przefruwających next to balloons. Along with buzzing power lines sing about clouds and time "), but the music listened to thoughtful, meditative.
Next track, the Czech composer Kryštofa Mařatka, already amused title: Zvěrohra. Lexicon anthropoid songs for soprano and orchestra. Pets and initial rumblings imitated Elena Vassilieva burt metcalfe - it was not a Cathy Berberian, but nice of her to a distance to each other and the case. Accompanied by the sounds of the orchestra sounds interesting.
After the break it was getting better. First Ein Brief Kagla, outstanding dramatic and musical scene, which showed great young mezzo-soprano Liliana Zalesińska. And at the end of the most difficult and perhaps the most impressive: Speakings Jonathan Harvey, a song in which the band gives the impression that she spoke with a human voice - thanks to spectral analysis and combined with the sounds from the speakers. Here indeed we had a solid work hard.
Best was also a night concert in Cane Factory. First, Paul Romanchuk of Small Instruments from occurring, this time as a performer Slawek Kupczakiem played Music for Amplified Toy Pianos Cage. But how in the Cage, a lot of it is not defined there, so the boys themselves combined preparation is small pianinek and fortepianików; it all sounded pretty simply. Then Krzysztof Knittel played free improvisation called for (m) macwin_2, but which sounded like a well-composed form (how many years of experience mean), and were using different devices, the iPhone and the iPad, starting burt metcalfe and ending with the so-called. harp - an empty frame, inside which moves his hands, which react and change the virtual sound strings.
In the afternoon I went to an interesting meeting on the creation of new sites I highly recommend, there are a lot of interesting information. Polish recordings also promote świeżuteńką (not even have it in the catalog) plate with avant-garde burt metcalfe cycle (it was already Penderecki): Kazimierz Serocki. The difference, she said a person who is, is that in Penderecki's early works included plate, au Serocki - the whole works, just he never ceased to be avant-gardist. On the board are: Episodes, burt metcalfe Segmenti, Continuum, Phantasmagoria, Fantasia elegiaca and Arrangements. Each of these tracks (except maybe Fantasia) was on Autumn encores. I highly recommend.
Hello, I have very similar feelings about yesterday's concert in FN, except that neither Penderecki, nor Hirs do not you come into my heart - somehow it was stiff, wooden, przyciężkawe burt metcalfe (u Hirs not in the middle). I had the impression that such songs could be heard many times. And could you tell me how the notation of these sighs, grumbling, shouting, burt metcalfe mamrotań, dławień etc., which usłuszeliśmy on the track Mařatka? Do not notes, and drawings, the description of one?
I do not know how it happened, but I accidentally deleted the my comment, in which he informed that it was unlocked side of Serocki and that it recommend, which is very interesting, and the music worth it.
Not only that day, it's still an hour - what is the meaning of broadcast from 17 to 19? And as the evening someone must leave the house? burt metcalfe Sunday afternoons were as found, because usually in the evening a man already doing something.
As so little on the edge ... The talon at all changed in the fall a lot. I have a feeling by the fact that there is less music and more talk ... Old przedwakacyjna schedule, which was closer to me.
We also wanted to do a Warsaw Autumn and watch your children at Smykofonię, but unfortunately ran out of tickets. In contrast, this adult Warsaw Autumn promises to be very interesting. As much as he wants to go after the first review.
harmony mundi - Hello and recommend about this, who won, he told me already Jac
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