Bad breath. Keep the onion-garlic-eat foods such as bacon are so many reasons to diabetes or kidney. But most importantly, mouth hygiene (cleaning), and health. Because approximately 85% of bad breath is caused by problems in the mouth. Teeth decay, inflammation of the gums in the mouth bacteria that causes bad smells. The habit of brushing your teeth correctly and regularly need to learn at a young age. Manner in which the dentist after meals 3 times a day, according toothbrush brushing, flossing, using if necessary the remains of a small meal you will not even cleaned. Routine checks going to the dentist to get your teeth and gums is also a wise approach to anticipating problems are under control.
I took a lot in the winter woes nasal discharge with sore throat. Sinusitis (inflammation of the spaces between the bones of the face), and tonsillitis (tonsillitis), upper respiratory tract infections, such as occurs in the bad smells. Get rid of the smell to the treatment of the infection.
Reflux constantly complaining again to come in your mouth what you eat cause the unpleasant smell of the mouth. Diseases of the stomach and esophagus should skip. Esophagus (food pipe) in the expansion of the balloon or sacs in the language of the doctor 'diverticula' occur. Zenker forever lycium plus diverticula have a disease called the patient a feeling of fitting the throat when eating, one-sided forever lycium plus swelling of the neck and the doctor complaining of halitosis. These patients are kesecikten that's esophagus. A part of the stomach pouch will not go breaking the donuts and much more bad breath causes. The treatment forever lycium plus is surgical.
Garlic yogurt, bacon pie or shepherd's salad with plenty of onions bad breath after eating at a nice business, not so easy to suppress. Brushing your teeth, do not turn off the mint chewing gum or eating forever lycium plus cloves. The chemicals in some foods, not only because of the blood, body fluids (sweat, breast milk) and soluğumuza the mix. When these substances are excreted in breath gas, emit odors of their own. These scents are not permanent, temporary.
There are several forever lycium plus reasons for bad breath in the morning uyanıncaki. Remain dry mouth, stomach contents reflux in patients forever lycium plus in supine position to the mouth, tooth brushing people sleep there at night to eat and to get up in the morning causes an unpleasant odor. The odor is caused by long-lasting famines.
If smokers have to say a single word: "Stop smoking!" forever lycium plus You know why bad smell in itself because of the chemicals contained in cigarettes. Consists forever lycium plus of a gum disease that smokers often makes the smell. Let's say that cigarettes do not use tobacco, oral health site regularly, brush your teeth, do not reflünüz known, alcohol, or foul odors tüketmiyorsunuz food, but still out of breath smells bad, then you might bear in mind that other underlying systemic diseases. Diabetes (diabetes), metabolic diseases, kidney diseases and liver diseases can also keep in mind that bad mouth odors.
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